Oct 29, 2017
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers cover everything from Wavy Gravy to Happy Hour with The Lumen Brothers. Join Steve, Stan, and David as they pontificate about Freezing in Chicago, EOS vs Cobalt vs. MA vs. Hog, Using non-traditional fixtures in your plot, How to tell a director that the cue makes no sense, Avolites, Heather Carson, The Consul in the midwest, “Where is your eye going?”, Putting the pedal to the metal, Directors with no sense of music, The Ultimate Punt Page, "Please" or "Suck"?, Is there a systematic way to design movers in a plot?, Frida Convict, Serving the client, How to pronounce “Nook Schoenfeld", and "The Big Lesson"! Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and very little makes sense.