Apr 21, 2020
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Mixbooks to Sputnik.
Join David, Stan, and Steve as they pontificate about: Disabling smoke alarms; Good looking First Responders; AGMA and haze; Favorite angles and lighting positions; Pit Rails and Pit Booms; Incorporating dance lighting...
Apr 18, 2020
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Taking some time off to King Tut.
Join Brackley, David, and Steve as they pontificate about: More Letters of Complaint; What to say to students who may not make it; Who to go to when you have to buy stage lights and have no technical knowledge; The...
Apr 11, 2020
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Altman 360's to Driscoll and Zac's Zoom Happy Hours.
Join Stan, David, and Steve as they pontificate about: Pandemic status reports from Florida and Texas; USA 829 Covid-19 Relief Fund; Sandblasting old Altman 360's; The Medium Pre-focus Base...
Apr 4, 2020
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Lighting Water to Helping Each Other Out.
Join Brackley, David, and Steve as they pontificate about: Ravitz afterglow; Dog Years; Our new member of The Lumenoids; Weirdness in Las Vegas; Design Showcase East update; A letter from ASPOS;...