Apr 10, 2021
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers (and Sistah) talk about everything from New LDI Swag to Covid Smelling Beagles.
Join Ellen, Steve, and David as they pontificate about: The "Light Talk Theme Song Tik-Tok Dance-Off" Winner; The Book Tour Scoop; Dead Pick-ups; Follow-spot practical jokes; Risks when we open up theaters; Getting sniffed by a Beagle; Vaccination Passports; The importance of education; Recognizing important career choices at the time; The "LD Paperwork Micro-chip"; "Waffles"; Chipping Children; Diversify for Survival; LDI Plans; Life Coaching for changing lives; Wandering Around the Garage at 4:00; and... Let the dogs out!
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.