Sep 12, 2018
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers (and Sister) talk about everything from LDI to Work/Life balance. Join Anne, David, Stan, and Steve as they pontificate about: David's Tesla lighting challenge, Virgin America Blue, Why women make such great lighting designers, Why we still must have these conversations, Jane Cox's fascinating views on bias in lighting design, Breaking out of the box, The dynamic and fluid quality of light, Our greatest lighting challenges, Balancing the room, Falling in love with British guys, Spa Clauses, Lime Light, Sir Goldsworthy Gurney, Electrifying Pickles, Stan selling his truss on ebay, Saying "No" to directors you don't want to work with, and Right of First Refusal.
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.