Aug 25, 2018
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Grad School to Giving Up and Moving On. Join Steve, David, and Stan, as they pontificate about: Getting close to fist-fights, What to do for 50,000 downloads?, Lunch Boxes, Dick Tracy, Keeping Secrets from Stan, Grad school survival tips... Preparing for the first year, Your three-year goals, Learn from everyone, Being Engaged, Reinventing Yourself, Give your new home a chance, Tips for working with your technical colleagues, The Dog Days of August, How do you know when you are finished with your show, Navigating Craft Services, The 8th Plague, Bad Impressions, Hog Factor Finalists, At what point do you say: "Enough is Enough" and move on to a new career?, and What do we Value?
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.