Feb 23, 2019
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers talk about everything from Taming your Cyc to Goo. Join Steve, David and Stan as they pontificate about: Surprises for our upcoming anniversary show, David having a senior moment, Using Rosco Opti-Sculpt to tame your cyc, Luminit, Grid Cloth, The difference between tophats and barndoors, Flair, Glare, Flocked and Flecked, Steve takes issue!, How to get Goo off of cables, There is something about Dawn, T.L. Tawnry Twitch Switch, Our extremely opinionated views on the Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show (a.k.a. Three old guys trying to figure these acts out), Replacing your A-Frame ladder, And our surprise announcement of the Super Bowl LIV Halftime Guest!!!
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.