May 12, 2018
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from exploding lamps to melting plastic flamingos. Join Steve, Stan, and David as they pontificate about: How lamps die, bogus lamp life specifications, Tungsten particles looking for a home, Uncle Harry wrecking the house, Temperature differentials, Arc lamps and David's skin changing color, The toy aisle at Walmart, The dangers of specifying lighting while under general anesthetic, Electrodes and anodes, LED warrantees, Maintaining Broadway shows, Hedgehogs, No suck buttons, Finding the perfect cyc, Gerreits vs. Rosebrand, DarkNet, Bad Hombre returns, Design Showcase East, Does size really matter?, The challenges of creating a bright, waterproof LED moving fixture, its hard to get light without heat, and You'll never know how Production Arts got the exclusive sales dealership for Pani.
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.