Feb 3, 2018
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers interview architectural lighting designer Steven Rosen. Join Steve, Stan, David, and Steven as they pontificate about All you ever wanted to know about Revit, Cool ways to control light, Stopping traffic by walking in front of self-driving cars, Synchronizing lighting with the actions of real life, How to use technology in design ideas that clients find compelling, Creating new LED colors, DIALux vs. AGi32, Love for Santiago Calatrava, Students not taking advantage of their opportunities, the IALD Education Trust, Lighting is like music, Clients not using the latest technology to make their spaces better, Stan remotely changing the lighting in his house from Chicago, David’s Napoli Report, Love those B-Eyes, the Insane streets of Napoli, and "The Goofballs of Lighting"
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.