Jan 20, 2018
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers continue their exploration of the beautiful city of Napoli and the amazing people at the Teatro San Carlo. Join Stan, Steve, and David as they pontificate about when a company of Brits and Americans join forces with the Italians to produce My Fair Lady, Introducing unsuspecting colleagues to the theatre culture of Italy, Automated systems at the Teatro San Carlo, The amazing 2K PC spotlight, Wonder LED wash moving lights, Our 700th Light Talk Facebook Group member, Photo transfer drops, Update on David's Faroe Islands retirement plans, Why students should learn 3D printing (and buy Anne's book), Lee Trevino's golf hustle, Working with house designers and technicians, Treating everyone with respect, The amazing Paul Curran, Lowering the stress level with a sane production schedule, Receiving a fee for your art, and Stan's cannoli goes to...
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and very little makes sense.