Jun 8, 2024
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers (and SISTER!) interview Projections and Video Designer David Bengali.
Join David, Ellen, Steve, and Zak as they pontificate about: David's journey from Lighting Designer to Projections Designer; Should projections and video designers have their own Tony nominations category?; The baggage that comes along with compoetitive awards; The lighting and projections process for "Water For Elephants"; "Analogue imaginitive theatre"; Experimenting with LED's at PRG; Analyzing media as a storytelling experience; Software programs for media design; Thinking in Three Dimensional Space; The importance of understanding the math in artistic design; Researching projects; Analyzing what we see in the world around us; Dream projects; and Lessons learned from previous experiences.
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.