Apr 24, 2021
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers (and Sistah!) interview creative director, production designer, and producer, Bob Bonniol.
Join Bob, Ellen, Steve, and David as they pontificate about: Back in the tourist business; From "Leko Lane" to XR; The evolution of technology over the last decade; Blending video and lighting; Integrating XR into live performance; Robert Edmund Jones flashback; Discovering a new form of theatre; Nickleback; Bob's Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame; How music influenced Bob's artistic life; Marrying your Master Electrician; How MODE works, and how it pivoted; How to train young designers to come up with creative solutions; "Constraints are Gifts"; Working with difficult personalities; Bob's most powerful influencers; Becoming a good listener, problem solver, and life coach; Emotionally surviving the pandemic; and The Key to the Future for students.
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.