Apr 2, 2021
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers talk about everything from the ETC Source Four Series 3 and the Desire Fresnel, to "The Glow Bowl".
Join Steve, Stan, and David as they pontificate about: "The Light Talk Tik Tok Dance-Off"; Jeff and Jim's new book; The Chinese stealing the "Drone Focus Deluxe"; Deciding on what to retire in your school's lighting inventory; Indestructible Morpheus Color Faders; Is the industry becoming over-saturated?; Stan's definition of "Competency"; "Serenity Sounds'; Are the Source Four LED Series 3 and Desire Fresnels "Game Changers"?; and What to do with your old, dusty, hand-drawn light plots.
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.