Oct 10, 2020
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, The Lumen Brothers (and Sistah) talk about everything from Biblical Wisdom to Birds that Vomit on You.
Join Anne, Stan, and David as they pontificate about: Breaking the new sibling news to Anne; Luminsanity Tour menu update; The new ETC Source FWRD Color; Stan's "Cabinet of Curiosities'; Searching for Power; Wearing sunglasses during focus; Scorched retinas; "Too Cool For School"; Gilbert focusing with no power; Continuing the fight for gender and BIPOC equity when we get back to work; Is it time to retire?; USA's "Design Member Candidate"; Scheduling sound and lighting levels at the same time; "The Theatre Mediation Group"; Are the live performing arts nearing the point of no return?; Escaping Zoom productions by growing cannabis; "A moving light in every pot"; Lighting comedy clubs; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel; and Making it bright and beautiful!
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.