Jun 6, 2020
In this episode of LIGHT TALK, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from Christo to The Jetsons.
Join David, Stan, and Steve as they pontificate about: More updates on The Faroe Islands; Seabird vomit; LDI update; Finding the perfect swag... Part IV; A tribute to Christo; School logo masks; Dealing with Designer's Block; Why use HMI's?; Pani dimming; Using HMI or LED for frontlight; Why did Americans jump on the McCandless System?; Why do Americans love standards and formulas?; "No Leko, No Worries"; How to direct your career path; "Make It So, Number One"; Why does Steve like the Neo and Hedgehog?; and Strand Coke stories.
Nothing is Taboo, Nothing is Sacred, and Very Little Makes Sense.